Why sponsor the Creative Industry Awards?
1. Brand Visibility - This is an opportunity for you to tap into a marketing technique that will either solidify or introduce your business presence to consumers who will remember your brand way after the event.
2. Build Relationships - You can build trust with potential customers, form relationships with attendees, other event sponsors and the event production team.
3. Targeted Reach and lead generation - While the event doesn’t have to align exactly with what your business does, attendees will be a mixture of potential customers who have already heard of you or your brand swell as new potential leads. Sponsoring the event is a great opportunity for you put your name top of the mind of prospects who are close to making a purchasing decision and to get in front of an audience you may not otherwise have the chance to reach.
What sponsorships are on offer?
There are various sponsorship opportunities available. If you would like to become a sponsor please either purchase a pack above or send an email to contact@creativeindustryawards.co.uk using the header 'SPONSORSHIP' to request a sponsorship pack.